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Saturday, April 23, 2011

Welcome D. Generate

I have known Deege for as many years as I have been smoking havanas, and he has always been a great guy.  He moved over to England many years ago, but I THINK he is still an American in Paris, so to speak.  Although now, I KNOW he is so far into the culture as to probably be a bloke now, so I wish him the best of success now that his country is doing something about their spending and laughing at us over here who will live on the banks of De Nial until we burn on the altar of the almighty but elusive dollar.  Greed is good, Gordon Gecko said, but what's going on over here ain't good, not even by a long shot.  Trouble is, our government was long ago bought and paid for by the corporations and their bastard, demon children on Wall St.  So here's to ya, mate, I hope I eventually have enough sense to get there right alongside you down the pub.  Best wishes to you and your bride on this Easter, and thanks for becoming a part of the deallie-o here.  And thanks and best wishes to all the members of this blog, may your lives all be blessed, charmed or whatever you believe in.

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