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Sunday, June 20, 2010

Beech Mountain Monte #4

Got invited up to Beech Mountain, NC for a long weekend, and although it made me totally sick, I had to go.  And by that I mean that without calling in sick, there was just no way to get it done.  So if you are gonna take Friday, you might as well take Thursday.  I had no trouble calling in sick Thursday, just rolled up the car window and tried to sound confused and achey.  Friday was a bit tougher.  No cell service on the side of the mountain, had to get in the car and ride a few hundred feet up to the tippy top.  More sickness.  cough.

On the way home today, fired up a Montecristo #4.  These were Mid 2005 out of some cardboard packs of 5x5s.  Nothing but pure twang and the sweet taste of consistent Montecristo.  I find the No.4 is alot more consistent than the No.2.  I also enjoy them a bit more than the No.2.  The alltime great, to me, is the No.5.
But this was awful good.  Saw a texter while driver rolling down the road Thursday am.  He would slow down, speed up, swerve a bit, speed up to get away from the people that saw him being an idiot.  But 5-10 mins later, there he would be again.  One time, he started rolling towards the median like a NAS-CAR that had a tire go down, just a dead straight line.  He smacked the guard rail that protects the overpass pilons from people like him.  I mean, SMACKED it.  He then kind of side-swiped it, and to get it to let him go, he had to really yank on it to the right.  So then he had to correct for that.  He fish-tailed like that for about 300 feet.  Then he did the same thing, pulled onto the highway and sped away from the people who were REALLY looking at him.  I saw him exiting later on, at of all places, Cuba Landing.  Guess he needed to check the damage.

The cigar I smoked was really great.  Lots of cocoa and twang, just chock full o twang.  Nice even burn, perfect draw on the firm side, and QUITE in line with all the others I had from these packs.  Very nice cigars.  Not hard to see why they were the best selling cigar for so long.  It is funny that with all the choices out there, I tend to come back to Montecristo alot.  Must be something good going on with em.

While cooking some cheese stuffed Anaheim peppers on the grill over the weekend, I also had a 2008 El Rey del Mundo Choix Supreme.  Too fresh, but very twangy and spicy.  Kind of spongy, though.  It needed to be dried out, but unlike 90% of my cigars pre-smoke, this one did not get the exile outside the box treatment.  Over all it was a good weekend for cigars, although not many were smoked.  I also smoked a few bowls of Anniversary Cake and one of Escudo.  My friends at the cabin liked the smell of that.
My thanks to my gracious and wonderful hosts.  Top choice folks.

Monte #4 - 89
ERDM Choix Supreme - 78

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