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Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Romeo y Julieta Tubos Romeo No.1

I let this drybox out on a counter for two days, after which I placed it in a rolled, unsealed zoplick bag.

It lit easily and instantly filled my mouth with an exquisite floral and perfumed twang.  Good draw with a punch cut and just puff after puff of great flavor, SLOWLY transitioning to more tobacco on the finish, but plenty of twang to go around up front.  Burn is razor straight with a little flaking off the main tube to mar it's nice round form.

The cigar develops a more robust flavor as it burns down it's length, with the floral elements lasting until the end, although diminished from the intense start.  This is the perfect cigar for those times when you want a cigar but do not intend to smoke that Cohiba or other expensive cigar.  It's quite a large step ahead of the classic machine made yard cigar, and in truth, it can stand beside almost anything in the catalogue of brands and vitolas.  But the price and the occasional weak example hold it back in the eyes of many. 

I like them enough to smoke them as my only cigar of the day and not feel short-changed.  Based on the low ratings already given to "much better" cigars on this blog, I am even more pleased to give this smoke an 88.  A great little corona.

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