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Monday, June 14, 2010

Too hot to smoke

110 heat index.  Can't smoke outside, the thought makes me nauseous.  Can't smoke inside, I just won't vent out cool air I paid for.  I am waiting to smoke a 2003 Por Larranga Petit Corona.  It's JUST before the bands went on all cabinet cigars.  Maybe it's an 02, I'll have to check.  Not anticipating anything great.  This has been the largest disappointment in the cigar world for some time.  Take a top class, A1, one-of-a-kind cigar with a reputation for sweet and savory caramel taste.  You could get them only about once or twice a year, and they would sell out FAST.  But then HSA figured they had a real hit on their hands, so they made them available pretty much year round now.  But unfortunately, they lost the recipe behind the stove or something, cause they SUCK now.  I have not had a good one since my box of 98s.  I think there are still a lot of people who buy these thinking any time now they ought to be fixing the problem.  But disappointment reigns.  But, be that as it may, I will soon be firing up a 02-03.  But again, it's TOO HOT!

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