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Sunday, April 7, 2013

One More Photo Post Before We Smoke....

OK, we are almost back to cigars.  I even took three cigars with me to New Orleans.  I didn't SMOKE them, but I HAD them in the bag.  I had a funeral in Baton Rouge, and since I had to ride for 6 hours just to get there, I took all of my camera bodies and a few good lenses and drove down to the French Quarter to shoot some pics.  Why burn all the gas and time and not get some great photos out of the deal?

I parked on the street on Esplanade Avenue on the east boundary of the French Quarter and waded into the sea of humanity that was a perfect day in New Orleans.  I REALLY should have ponied up the cash for a motel room outside of town to ensure another day just like this one, to shoot twice as much stuff, enjoy twice as much perfect weather, see twice as much skin from the ladies, all smiling and happy to be there and enjoying the world-class sights, sounds and smells of New Orleans.  And the 10-20mm lens just dazzled me.

There were SO MANY PEOPLE in the quarter, and in most cases, I just tried to frame them OUT, but it is all part of the ambiance that was so pervasive, around every corner there was something going on.

The sky was so blue and perfectly laced with clouds, so as to add such a great dimension to the photos.

I have to get down there again as soon as possible, before the heat gets out of control.  I can skip the whole summer without a second thought IF I GET IT DONE NOW.  The weather forecast merely needs to get close to what it was this weekend and I am IN THE CAR, and I am definitely staying overnight next time.  SO much to shoot, everywhere I turned.  I have always loved New Orleans, and specifically the Quarter.  But even growing up there did not allow me the enjoyment I got out of it yesterday.  I got to see the city in a new way, as a 'tourist'.  Because I guess after all, I WAS a tourist.  I felt so much of what I imagine other visitors feel, even down to the guy that came up to this dude with two big ol cameras and said "I bet you a dolla I can tell you where you got yo shoes.."  I told him, "wow, you really KNOW that I got my shoes on St. Peter St. in the French Quarter?"  he said "aw, man, ain't nobody gonna put nuttin pass you."  but I tracked him back down after I took my picture and said, "yo man, here's the dollar for trying.  That gotcha is SO OLD, you deserve credit for even TRYING it in 2013."  We girl-watched for a few minutes and made some small talk and went our separate ways.

I had a bit of exposure trouble out of my Nikon D100, but the D70 worked without a hitch.

What a great day.  I miss you already, darling.

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