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Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Happy Mardi Gras!

I can't be there for the Fat Tuesday celebration, but I managed to make a trip down south for the weekend BEFORE Fat Tuesday, and while I DID get a rock peck in my windshield which will end up costing me $150 one day soon, it was a nice trip.  I saw things I can't UN-See, and did things I can't un-do, but on balance, sure, it was a good time.  I started off with my traditional (thanks, Tina) seafood feast that I get treated to when I arrive.  This one was not as good as the others I have had in the past, too much salt in my fried oysters and the shrimp were wrapped in bacon with a jalepeno tucked in there and broiled.  Sounds great, but I like SHRIMP, and as much as I love bacon, it DOES overpower something as delicate as the taste of good shrimp.  Tater tots were good, lol.  And before I go off on it and make it sound BAD, it was delicious.  It only stands out against the backdrop of PERFECT meals I have had in Randy and Tina's house in the past, all of the past.  But I digress as usual....

A almost first....a great Montecristo Petit Edmundo at 9:30 am.
Beer to follow at 9:35.

Rained out two years in a row, Bill and Edie rolled at last.

Ched the Head and Paul the host

Damn fine meat, and there was a LOT more.

Scratched out art

When is that damn parade gonna get here?

Damn Right, son...

Never EAT food the same color you that King Cake?
No, I see, it's just some shirt design behind the plate.


Put this in the bag

Throw me somethin, Mister!......(She DID get that tiger/leopard.)


This girl is gonna milk that giant Tweety for two blocks, 
you watch...she won't throw anything for ten minutes.

This guy, HE WILL.

Happy Mardi Gras!

That's a snapshot of the Krewe of Lul, a little local parade that hasn't been little in 20 years.  They should be proud of it.  They need to spring for a few more bands though, because marching bands are what makes Mardi Gras complete for me.  I should have taken pictures of the jello-shot lady that put me down hard.  I drank no more beer than usual, but I got a headache way too early and had to stop drinking.  I blame the jello shot lady, Vickie.  She always puts a hurtin' on those things, and this year they were Absolut-ely gasolinic.  The pudding shots Tina made were great.  it was a good day.  Everybody had fun like they usually do, no scuffles or trouble, lots of good food, Mr. Lionel's Jambalaya, Ched's chicken legs and boudin, and I think he had some deer backstrap poppers that were in demand.  Can't believe I missed this trip two years running.

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