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Saturday, October 8, 2011

My favorite many are there, lol.

I like to think I have 5 top cigars.  And then I smoke another one and 5 becomes 10.  I think this cigar is in that top 5.  ALWAYS tastes SO GOOD.  Poured a Sierra Nevada 2011 Bigfoot Ale.  Wow, good beer.  Looking for a good cigar.  This year at the Shack, a generous brother palmed me with a Diplomaticos No.4.  CONSISTENTLY the best of Havana, and as is tradition, Habanos cuts the best cigars from production, as they have done with this one. 

This one is pretty, a nice mellow box press, beautiful color, perfect weight.  And then the trouble started.  As I looked around for a cutter, I saw my wedge.  Great for golf, not so hot tonight.  I am a lazy person at heart, and I need to look harder for a cutter.  There are only about 20 in the house.  But I settle for the wedge, draw decent air, so I go ahead and light it.  The cigar draws fine but produces stingy smoke.  Good flavor with light tea and some leather.  Not a traditional Diplomaticos, but again, aren't these things all the same with different bands??  This one doesn't help kill the myth.  A little mineral flavor, no coffee or cream, no nutmeg or cinnamon.  Hmm.  Not terrible, but for the first real cigar of fall for me, a little disappointing.  One thing I DO know, this cigar is young.  I didn't ask, but I am thinking 07+.  And now as my memory comes into it's stride, I think I got this from Greg from NC.  One of my favorite people in the smoking biz. 

So of course, I want this to be great.  But it's only good.  When I poked through the humidor, I passed a Trinidad Robustos T.  A Sancho Panza Belicoso.  Twinges of regret course over me.  The skeeters ate me up outside, so I am finishing the smoke indoors.  It gets better, but is still far short of the one VOLFAN gave me in Memphis.  Man that was a fine Diplo 4.  So I am thinking this one is just going to be a bad choice on a good night.  LSU wups a fit on Florida, and looks good doing it.  And as luck would have it, I get the Tigers versus Tennessee again next week on CBS.  So that makes FIVE games on national TV that I got to see this year, an absolute miracle.  I guess being No. 1 in the nation gets doors open.  But I digress.

 This was a well-anticipated smoke tonight, but it falls short of it's potential...I give it a 75.

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