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Thursday, September 22, 2011

Ashamed and Repentant

ARGH, I have to apologize to all the people who follow this blog for the embarassing lack of updates.  I owe you all more than that, and I see I even lost a person, probably out of sheer disgust.  I have been on the road constantly since August 1st, but that's not an excuse per se.  I have had plenty of chances to smoke and just have not done it.  In addition to trips to the Smokies and to Northern Ohio and Michigan, I have been to the Nascar races in Bristol, TN and the NHRA Nationals in Charlotte, NC.  I was there promoting a go kart race and was working 14-16 hour days, so even though I had cigars with me, I valued sleep much more than smoking.  Also it should not go un-noticed that since the whirlwind began, the temps have gone from the high 90s to the high 60s in my world, and this will have a great impact on the smoking life.  Perhaps more than any other aspect, such as slowing down a bit for a few weeks or being far behind on blog posts.  So here are a few photos of life on the road, some cuties I saw while doing my job, etc.  The first two are of particular interest, because these are NOT the celebrities I list as their names, just kind of "Muppet-Junior" doppelgangers......

Here is Hanna Montana or Miley Cyrus, never sure which......

Here is Isla Fischer I am pretty sure.............

Here is...well who cares, she's there...........

FunnyCars are funny..........

Top Fuel Final..........

TV Tommy Ivo's famous "Showboat" 4 engine dragster........

Sharon Roberts........this was just a cool shot.

Rails ready to run........

Eco boost........................................not.

1 comment:

Heiko Blumentritt said...

Don't worry about your absence... that's life...

BTW: Welcome back!
