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Monday, August 22, 2011

The Greatest Herf on Planet Earth

Just got back from the world's greatest Herf.  As a southern boy, not much about Ohio gets me very excited, but this certainly never fails to have me giddy as a kid prior to Halloween.  Except THIS doesn't give me diarreah (sp).  Halloween always did.  I would just get so excited I'd make myself to sick to go out.  Cruel Irony.

So I drove 12 hours overnight to get to Northern Ohio and was treated to breakfast.  Forget that I had just eaten at Denny's to kill an hour and settle my caffienated stomach.  Both were good.  I am not going to talk a lot about who and what, just state that for two days I was able to leave the keys to my car in my motel room and drink the finest liquor, eat excellent food, share the finest craft beers available and smoke cigars that 98% of the world's smokers would kill to take a crack at.  And the people are exceptional as well.  From the host clear down to the young man who pulled a Halloween on himself and ended up face down in the dirt overnight.  Better than the lake, I guess.  No was NOT me.  I told a few people who asked, "This is a place where I bought a bottle of Crown Royal for the liquor table and checked all around to make sure no one saw that it was me that put up this 'inferior' bottle of whiskey, haha.  Lot's of people think it's fine enough.  But you should see the table.

Well, actually you CAN.........

I am not a huge liquor fan, but for sure I prefer it to beer.  But one thing that is good about living alone for 25 years, you have no one to impress, no one to show off for.  I keep a few bottles in the house, but don't have much as a rule.  I forget my problems the natural way, by forgetting them.  I keep about 5 bottles of bourbon to have with cigars, and rarely use it.  Twice a year?  Maybe.  Plus some rum for the Jimmy Machine.

But Picture a lake setting so serene and beautiful and perfect for hosting 90-100 of your closest friends who will try but rarely completely succeed to remember they are your guests.  Ashes end up in the grass, as do butts, and in general, the lawn is trampled flat.  His 4 jet-skis, two mopeds and large boat are on hand for cruising.  There are ice chests full of the other thing people bring in mass quantities, craft beers.  The host provides everything else, except cigars.  And it is a wonderful, respectful, raucous, bawdy, beautiful time.

You have to know when to take a rest before the action heats up.

You have to know when to take your camera out on a boat ride to Cedar Point Amusement Park to drop off the wife of an attendee and get some gas for the boat.

You have to wait for the dog to enter a sunset shot to make sure it's perfect...

You have to make sure your cigar is completely lit before beginning to enjoy it to ensure a good burn.

And you have to make sure that you take pictures of the important stuff.

And ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS remember to take your blog glasses to give to your target demographic.

And NEVER EVER let people watch you hit golf balls into a lake, if you suck like me, anyway.


Heiko Blumentritt said...

Looks like you had a very good time at the Shack....


irratebass said...

So gonna try and make this next year.