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Sunday, July 22, 2012

HOT - 2004 Exhibition No. 4

ARGH, its hot.  Why just the other day I saw a Robin dipping his worm in iced tea.  

I did NOT see that. 

But what I DID see was a guy who was lucky that he smoked one of the worst Montecristo Edmundos he ever smoked (and I have smoked a ton of bad ones).  It was so hot that sweat was rolling down my face and down the back of my neck and down my lip and getting the cigar all wet.  Now I DID have sweatpants on, the mosquitoes are terrible right now.  But I am used to walking in them, so I figured sitting in them would be fine.  It was NOT.  Dang it was hot.  So I smoked an inch of a 6 inch cigar and that was it.  I will never finish a bad cigar, but man when it is all global-warming and stuff, you can be damned sure I won't.

So the next night I was looking for houses on the internet and I got up to get more tea in the kitchen and saw outside that it had quietly been raining for a while.  So I grabbed a Sierra Nevada Pale ale and a RyJ Exhibition No.4 and headed out to the porch.  It was a LITTLE COOLER but not much.  Tolerable.  As I look back on it now I think this had to be one of the cigars I left in my travel humidor (cedar box) for 8-9 months.  But when I cut it I did not realize it.

What I did realize rather quickly was that the cigar had a crack near the head.  The draw was not so hot because of it.  But the cigar was burning pretty well and the flavor was a little light.  There was that coconut flavor that over-packed cigars often get.  There was a little light tea and spice and the burn was really straight.  

I am not a big fan of double-clutching to get smoke out of a cigar, so you can imagine how my impression of this one was beginning to go down fast.  The flavor went away to nothing, and a few moments after I thought the cigar might be in a sick period, I remembered there being a Exhibition No.4 in the dried out box of smokes I took to Blowing Rock last year.  So chalk another spent cigar down to my stupidity and forgetfulness.  No sense in grading this one, I love these cigars normally, and this poor thing got messed around pretty bad by me, so I decided I would go back upstairs, take the beer and cigar in and snap a last pic for the blog.   Best to just forget about this one.  Shame.

My first Sierra Nevada Pale Ale was not bad at all.  A little odd and hoppy, but they were bought for my Brother-in-Law for the Smokies, so it was only a taster and I don't have to love it.

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