This was another cigar given to me by Neens. At times people get these non-cuban cigars into my hands either because they feel sorry for me for not wanting to try new NC cigars, or they just want to hear what I think of them and are just being generous. I never try to encourage this behavior, but I try not to fuss too much when it happens. Thanks again, Neens.
The cigar opened up with no-holds-barred flavor, super-rich and potent tobacco flavor, laced with hints of vanilla and maple sugar, spicy tastes of possible Nicaraguan tobacco I am guessing. The smoke was so thick and rich you could swirl your tongue around and feel it. Rich coffee taste and peppery, sweet spice roll in and out of the subsequent puffs I make on the cigar. The corona size makes for a triple threat for me, FREE stick, great taste, perfect size. I loved the cigar outside for an inch or two, and then got just too torn up by mosquitoes to smoke anymore. I brought my Golden Monkey Ale and cigar inside and smoked a rare stick inside. Another reason why I was rushing a little. A lesser cigar like the recent DaVinci, TOSSED. I am not going to smoke a cigar inside in the middle of summer. But I couldn't put this down. Puff after puff of great flavor and NOT super-strong by any means. Until you rush it I guess.
Suddenly I got a rush of cold sweat on my brow, a little bit of a queasy feeling in my gut. I was watching Song of Bernadette for some reason and I didn't want to stop, but I took a quick shower and went to bed early. I had no interest in finishing this one to the nub. Yikes, talk about good and bad all at the same time. I will rank it, a rarity for a NC cigar for me, I just don't know how to rate em. They all kind of taste the same to me, and that's not a fair way to think of them. But this cigar is a real treat, 90 points.